Top Gear but make it new.
The highlights of Akhil Arora’s first year—2016—writing TV reviews professionally.

Best TV shows of 2016
“2016 was another brilliant year for television series, and with the end of the year upon us, we’ve decided to put together a list of the best shows that aired in the past 12 months. At Gadgets 360, our entertainment focus is around things that inspire intense fan conversation, and drive the conversation in pop culture—stuff that wouldn’t be out of place at Comic-Con.”

The Grand Tour
“It’s their genuine passion for motoring, mocking known and oft-repeated idiosyncrasies, revelling in their own stereotypes, and engaging in silly banter amongst themselves that made a car show involving three old blokes such fun to watch for over a decade. And so when The Grand Tour gets down to business, it feels a lot like the old Top Gear.”

Marvel’s Luke Cage
“With Luke Cage at its centre—a man with unbreakable skin and near invincibility in combat—[Cheo Hodari] Coker gets time to explore the other variables that affect him and the community at large: a potent mix of prejudice, societal conditions, hierarchy, and police neglect. While Cage grapples with his new-found hero status post an event or two, the consequences of his personal agenda against Cottonmouth sends ripples for everyone living in Harlem.”