It’s a deep dark secret. Sorry, a Deep Dark Secret.
Akhil Arora, a member of the Film Critics Guild and a Rotten Tomatoes-certified film critic, who saw Inside Out 2 in IMAX 3D. He has been reporting on Pixar movies since 2016 and has written for NDTV and SlashFilm.

As the credits begin rolling on Inside Out 2—the new Pixar movie—you will naturally start to wonder if there are any stingers you should wait for. The Disney-owned animation studio has a habit of putting extra jokey scenes during the credits, be it a tiny fish eating a giant one at the end of Finding Nemo or an extended sequence involving all of Andy’s toys in Toy Story 3. And like its predecessor, Inside Out 2 also has a post-credits scene. Personally, I don’t think it’s worth staying for. If you must be somewhere, feel free to leave as soon as the credits start rolling. And if you’ve already missed it—or are planning to, as we speak—here’s what happens in it.

Inside Out 2 review: an expansion, not an evolution
The new Pixar movie cannot match the greatness of its decade-old predecessor. It’s nigh impossible. But thanks to a new emotion, Inside Out 2 pushes into more complex territory.
Inside Out 2’s post-credits scene takes us back to The Vault
At the very end of Inside Out 2, after all the credits have rolled, Joy (Amy Poehler) pays a visit to Deep Dark Secret (Steve Purcell). We briefly met him in The Vault where he was locked away with Riley’s other suppressed emotions, involving her pre-school favourite Bloofy (Ron Funches) and retro video game character Lance Slashblade (Yong Yea). Deep Dark Secret had helped free Joy and the other emotions from their confinement in a jar, but he refused to leave the vault with them.

Now that all is well in Riley’s mind, Joy decides to revisit Deep Dark Secret. She wants to know what he’s been keeping and asks him to spill it. After a bit of hesitation, Deep Dark Secret sheepishly reveals that it was about the time Riley burned a hole in the rug. Wait, that’s it? Joy seems to be taken aback, too. She says she thought it was going to be the time Riley peed in the pool. I mean, to be fair, that’s not a great “deep, dark secret” either.
Honestly, both are fairly small and unsurprising. Who here hasn’t peed in a pool at least once or destroyed something at home? We’re very far from deep dark secret territory here. Seriously Pixar, this is what you made us wait so far? Anyway, now you know what happens in the Inside Out 2 post-credits scene. In case you were feeling left out. No more FOMO. Goodbye!
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